Friday, August 28, 2009

People are people...

Law School.

My first week of Law School has finished. In a sense I'm in awe. This being the first step toward the finish, it's as if the gun just went off and in a sudden rush a small pack of Usain Bolts sprinted. Only, nobody told any of them that they aren't running the 100m; instead they're running a marathon, potentially a triathlon, depending on what path they take.

I'm in the 3rd Doctrinal section. That is, there are 5 different groups of entering law students with approximately 80 students in each section.
In the beginning, before classes got started, some older students, 2Ls, 3Ls told us during orientation that Law School was a bit like reverting back to high school. Big text books you don't want to carry. Lockers. Gossip about others. And, I didn't really get it then. Truly the feeling of high school didn't occur until week one of classes. Placed into class with a bunch of strangers. Trying to feel out who will be the cool people in the class to have as friends. Which of them are better as acquaintances.
Already there is a kid that manages to show up 5 to 15 minutes late to every class. He shows up, sits down uncomfortably (though the professor doesn't make a deal out of it), and at some point he thinks he has something to add to the conversation. Unfortunately, he doesn't. He isn't the cool smart kid who can get away with just about anything because he's learning it all and contributes to the greater educational flow of the classroom. His is a brilliance that seems to exist with the sole intent of stopping academic energy. Questions that have no bearing on the current issue (rather 5 back). Questions that have already been asked. Questions that truly to make everyone in the room stop and think, hmmm, where did that two come from? In the five days of classes, this young master of non-sequiturs managed to miss the final class of the week.
Oh well, thankfully he's not in my legal rhetoric course, as there are only 12 of us and it would be quite close quarters.

Other than that, there are several good folks in the class. Many of whom I don't know yet, but they're probably pretty chill. I've made some decent friends, or advanced acquaintances really as it's only been a week. There's Buckley. He's a real WASP looking guy. 6 foot and change, fit rugby/new england build, married 3 weeks ago, has a confirmed but not rugged jawline, and a strong interest in the law makes him at present the guy I'm probably competing with the most as far as grades go. Basically, he's loud, somewhat obnoxious, and constantly testing how far he can go to be a brown-noser/ over-excited achiever without looking like a total jerk. Admittedly, I wasn't sure how to handle him at first, but he just seems really over-eager in a lot that he does. So, I'm down, I think he's an alright guy...besides, he's been packing teddy grahams at lunch time and sharing them down the table so that's awesome. Plus, as I said, he seems to have a good understanding of what he's reading, and that's always a good player to have on your team.
Chief, a thin dude with crazy red and wild hair seems pretty cool. Honestly, he just seems like an all right kind of guy without much to remark. He gets his stuff, he does his work, and he seems equally as astonished at some of the people that hit up the class an hour and a half early to get the 'good' seats. He joined me for a free trial aikido lesson Friday night at a dojo nearby, so I think he's a pretty good guy.
Mr. B (for balla, I can't think of anything better without using his real name). Recently returning from Afghanistan, this young Indian kid, sporting the trim beard, and aviators at night, has done it. He's basically a smart, cool kid. He already has a Masters in Public Health, and is pursuing a law degree now. Of course, this seems to go against family wishes that he become a doctor (like his father, and everyone else in the family....of course), but they've accepted that he's doing law, and if this should fall through, or he changes his mind, he can still go back to medicine. His ex-girlfriend's brother is the lead singer of MGMT, and there are words floating around about his family being involved with a couple of NGOs. Again, smart, and cool, a guy you want on your team.
These are some cool guys I've been having lunch with, high school. There are other people in the class that are interesting as well. A real Matthew McCaunehey (how do you spell his name anyway?) looking guy. He's hit the popular note and everyone likes him. You have to, he's nice, funny, and so irresistible. There's this cute vegan half-Japanese girl. She seems super nice, interesting, and is in my legal rhetoric class, so that's cool. A stalky and burly looking Californian who sports a pair of key lime pie green headphones everyday--take that iPod Nation! He's in my rhetoric class as well. He's a decent guy though, despite what you may have thought before I said he was decent. Unless you thought he was decent before then in which case just ignore the 'though'.
Let's face it, they're all characters and this list could go on forev...well, for about 80. I don't know most of the other sections that well. Sure there's one or two I've met. Orientation, and lunchtime. Most of them seem to be in the same boat though, some crazy committed classmates, and other who're just chill.

Honestly though, I'm just feeling lazy. Last night was our first week Friday. It was a late night. I hung out with Chief and Mr. B, and met some of Mr. B's old NYU friends. While out we ran into a bunch of other people from the school. It was a familiar experience. Going out to a bar, hanging out with people, then seeing others from class at the bar, acting cool and unexcited to see people, having a good drink together, and then having one more drink together.
Hmm, maybe high school got upgraded to freshman year of college.

Anyway...I'll tell you all more about classes's Saturday morning, and I didn't expect to be up at 10:30, much less here you go, and think good thoughts while I get myself gathered and ready to go--to the library....ugh, I need some OJ.


PS. I really hate mosquitos.
PPS. That reminds me, I could go for taquitos.


  1. Great reading your blog... by the way, regarding mosquitoes, they say if you take a sheet of bounce and carry in your pocket,(can lightly rub on your clothes) it will repel mosquitoes) tip of the day from Mom Love you..
