On the other hand, I'm also the kid who went ahead and yelled, "YES! Thank You!" After this cool guy in the back made the point that I'd been waiting to make. (I came to find out later that I wasn't the only one who felt that way; just the only one to say something about it.) In any was, it was a decent Contracts class. Except for all the wasted time. That part was less fun. OH, and all those times where I really don't fully understand the key terms-'cause their meaning and importance seems to change every class.

On that note, I'd like to file an official (maybe unofficial) complaint about a little something.
Let me tell you how I feel about all this "Promissory Estoppel" business.
Well...actually I'll tell you some other time. You can try to figure out for now, and I'll complain after this coming week. I think that theoretically it should be somewhat explained; the problem is, as far as I can tell, it's just something that the courts created in order to make some injustices in the law that they had established, magically disappear.
At least I'll stand out in the professor's mind.
Law Pal

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