It's hot. It's humid. It's unenjoyable.
Stuck inside a dungeon is no way to pass the time, while staring out my child-sized window, I realized that I should get outside. So I left my room. I took a beautiful field trip to the Zoo.

At least, it would've been beautiful if I hadn't been sweating for the entire time. It was too hot. Plain and simple. I know, Maybe he's just not used to the weather yet. Maybe. Or maybe it was so hot that any intelligent animal would spend their time inside a temperature monitored room. Well, needless to say aside from animals that were forced to be outside, the elephant, the flamingos, the cheetahs, it was a pretty disappointing trip to the zoo.
It wasn't disappointing, I had a good time. Walking around the zoo,

headphones in, soundtrack to Slumdog playing, and having staring contests with large birds that would probably maim me if there hadn't been a big enough fence in the way.
Don't worry, I'll go back. Once the temperature goes down a little.
PS. The lions and tigers are to be enjoyed between 10 and 4. Showing up in their area at 4:15 doesn't cut it. Thanks National Zoo.
You should've asked if the zoo has a ligar, a cross between a female tiger and male lion. It's the biggest cat in the world due to some genetic peculiarities. (Basically, the signal to stop growing for tigers is passed on via genes from the male, but vice versa for the lion, so mixing a female tiger and male lion results in a cat that doesn't stop growing. Or something like that. The biggest weighs over 900 lbs. Every zoo should have a ligar. Also from experience, I recommend the National Aquarium in Baltimore. Granted, Baltimore is a bit out of the way, but I used to go to Maryland every summer with my mom to visit relatives, and the aquarium was cool. At least I thought so when I was around 8 years old, but I imagine it's cool at any age. And the Smithsonian is REALLY cool, especially the dinosaur stuff. And you can get to the Smithsonian easily on the metro (i think there's a station called "Smithsonian").