Not sure what happened to Spring, we went from cold cold cold and rainy, to 75+ degree days outside. Oh well, Helga is glad to see the warm. As for me, I'm just surprised by the tornado warnings that we've been getting.
I know everyone knows at this point, but I meant to write something up at the end of March....but then I decided i would be lazy, or something...sorry...

I know everyone knows at this point, Helga and I are engaged. I know it's surprising, but she did say yes. I will tell the engagement story later, when I have time. Right now it's finals. And all that goofing around i did--trying to convince Helga to marry me by being super amazing--has come back to bite me as I'm now working to finish everything for every class ever. Basically, what should have been my easiest term is turning out to be my most stressful. It's awful, i know, and I don't really know how it happened, but it did, and now I'm going to write a 10 page memo (or so), a 30 page paper (or so), a fiche de jurisprudence, and take 3 finals in the next two weeks.
Basically i love you all, but I'm disappearing for a little while. No Sunday sessions, no facebook, no nothin' just me and the future mrs. Law Pal working hard on our studies for the next 2 weeks. I have my Evidence Final this Monday. I'll be putting in the next big amount of effort into that, so wish me some solid luck as i'll need it. My last final is on Saturday the 14th. I'm hoping to be honing in on a Sunday session the next day.
This wedding thing is exciting, but taxing when you're trying to figure out every law school class ever.... I'll tell you more soon. Really I will.....
love you casper,
Law + Helga
ps. i guess that really wasn't very dirty. I've got more important things to worry about than making a short blogpost dirty. You can deal with it.