It's a new year, and 2010 has hit the ground running. Maybe it was just me that hit the ground running. I'm not really sure. Either way, if the year keeps up at the pace it started, this could be the most jam-packed year yet.
Day one of the new year had a wedding. This was probably the most emotional wedding that I've been to, and tears came falling out of me like a newborn. I was the Best Man, and did my darndest to uphold my Best Manly duties. The bachelor party was a success and I think we hit a majority of manly activities, you know, bullets, bbq, beer, and breasts (yes, the bachelor party was sponsored by the letter B). The wedding was on the 1st, so it won't be too difficult for A or K to forget. There were some beautiful speeches made by several of the important people involved, particularly the maid of honor, man of honor (a specially made position for their wedding, that was filled wonderfully by that man of honor), and a couple of family members. It was my turn, and my speech went fairly well, except for the break I needed every 20 seconds while I bawled my eyes out and regained myself. After everything, I think the speech went well, everybody seemed to like it and I definitely made A and K cry like babies as well, so it was well worth it. Then there was dancing, dancing, and more dancing. My usual dance partner wasn't there, so I had to dance with several other people, including the bride, groom, members of the wedding party, and random guests (who weren't that random at this point). Which reminds me, A and K you have some amazing and dedicated friends. Also, some are hot!
Congrats. and Thanks.
So, now the high school crew is cut down to half, two bachelors left and on the same playing if anybody out there is reading this and has a fun, beautiful lady friend, I'm available. oh and G, game on! Which reminds me, J, S, and G, I had a great New Year's spending time with you guys! Reminds me how important you are, and how important our friendship truly is, and that G is probably a better dancer than J. Really, you guys should take a weekend to visit DC! Also, G, you should apply to school out here and then we could be school buddies who study and stuff, but then get together and we can hang out giving in to our vices while we try to convince the other it's not a healthy habit (me, coffee; you, smokes). It might be unrealistic, but I'm pretty sure it would be fun as hell!
Really though, I'm not that available, Lady Law School has a pretty good hold of me yet again. Here within her grasp I rush to read, write, and research for the hours, days, and weeks to come. The difference between terms is simple, Spring 2010 has me more knowledgeable of what to read the cases for and pull out while briefing; S 2010 also has me applying for summer internships and externships. Moral of the story? The term might be a little easier on reading, but I can't let up because there is still much more to do.
This particular post may not have been very gripping, but just so you all know here are the highlights of the past 3 weeks:
-Flew to Portland and missed the snowstorm in DC.
-Visited everybody I could. I miss them all already.

Friends and family, thank you and I love you. Next time perhaps we'll be able to spend some more time together. Next time I'm getting a Bloody Mary.
-Drove to Austin and missed the snowstorm in Portland.
-Visited Heaven on Earth, and sampled the pie.
-In a "town" called Desert Center in AZ I stopped and ate at the Desert Center Cafe. I believe the town's population was there by the 8 people sitting inside not being customers.

While I was there I met a French family traveling through, biker Dad and biker Mom with visiting Grandpa and meek daughter. They left as I finished my meal and Visiting Gramps backed up into biker Mom as they were leaving the "parking lot".
-Drove through El Paso and missed the snowstorm there.
-Arrived in Austin spent a lot of time with the groom's family.
-Great Bachelor Party thrown for the groom; at the end of the night I was punched.
-Great Wedding set-up with several people being stressed.
-Rehearsal dinner with some of A's old friends, again, some of whom were very attractive and whom I ended up....not getting to know that much better.
-New Year's on the waterfront in Austin, the band "Foot Patrol" played; 2010 is allegedly the year of the Foot, or maybe Foote.
-Wedding was great, many close friends having a good time, a very personal wedding.
-My best friend is now a husband.
-Drove to DC, didn't miss anything in Austin.
-Showed up in DC with plans to park in house's garage at 2:30 am; had to clean out the broken wood with nails that were lying about in order to make enough room to park my car.